
About Movie

ceoCitamol is a Nepali feature movie written and directed by Raj Bahadur Sane. It is the story of a young man from a remote village in Jumla, an undeveloped district of Karnali region of Nepal. In this film, the famous actor Saugat Malla, Benisha Hamal, Saya Bhandari and Juna Biswakarma, Megh Raj Sunar, Aakash Kunwar and Khim Raj Shahi, Sushil Pokhrel, Diresh Regmi and Heuwala Gautam are the main artists. The film will be shot in Nepal, Australia and New Zealand. Famous writer and director Pradip Bhardwaj, Bhugol Kumar Karki, Simosh Sunuwar and Gangaram Shrestha are in the production team of the movie.

Message of Director

Raj Bahadur Sane
Writer & Director

"Raj Bahadur Sane is the producer, writer and director of the Nepali feature movie "Citamol". He has been working as a film producer, writer and director in the Nepali film industry past 18 years. He has written and direction more than a dozen movies "Pathshala”, “The Return Hero”,“Laari”, “Brindaban”, “Birangana” , “Doli”, “Good Friend”, “Silly-4”,“Juna”, “Bulaki” and “Citamol. He has written & direction a dozen Nepali Teli films “Mayako chino”, “Buhaari”, “Maitighar”, “Tulasi”, Phaateko Man", “Harayako manchhe”. He is general member of Film Director's Guld of Nepal and Nepal film producer's association. He has received the best script writer National Award from the Government of Nepal and he received the Best script writer award from the Birat music and filmy award 2081."